food webinars
12 December 2024
4:30pm 5:30pm CET

Second Public Webinar of the UAEU Partnership on Food

The second webinar organized by the Food Partnership will explore the important topic of incorporating food into urban planning and agendas, featuring two compelling case studies: the integration of urban agriculture in the planning of the new peri-urban area of Oosterwold (The Netherlands) and the experience of the Spanish Network of Municipalities for Agroecology.
A city of gardeners: the integration of (urban)-agriculture in the planning of the new peri-urban area of Oosterwold, the Netherlands

The presentation will focus on Oosterwold, a new peri-urban area of the Dutch city of Almere that pivots urban agriculture. The area (4,300 ha and 15,000 houses in the future) is a unique experiment in which a top-down policy goal – producing 10% of the city’s future food needs – is handed over to the self-organisation of the area’s new residents, who are bound by the rule to allocate 51% of their plot to produce food. Based on years of involvement to the planning and development of this area, the speaker suggests that developing a balance in policy goals, planning instruments, and the needs of the practitioners takes time, requires a shared vision on what local food production is and builds on establishing supportive conditions.

The presentation will be delivered by Jan Eelco Jansma, Senior Scientist in Urban Food Systems at Wageningen University & Research, and a member of the Steering Group of AESOP-SFP.

The Spanish Network of Municipalities for Agroecology: cooperation and trans-local governance to address food policies and boost agroecological urbanism

The Network is a dynamic platform between local entities to share experiences and jointly develop innovative solutions to the problems they face to build local, environmentally friendly, sustainable, inclusive and resilient food systems. Specifically, the group on agroecological urbanism facilitates mutual support between professionals linked to urban planning and food systems. They exchange, co-create and transfer knowledge and experience on the inclusion of the food dimension in urban planning and urban agendas. They have been working together for two years on the analysis and, above all, the application of tools and policies where urban planning and urban agendas consider food and the territory with an agroecological approach.

The speakers will be Jorge Molero Cortés, Secretary of the Spanish Network of Municipalities for Agroecology (RMxAe), and Marian Simón Rojo, member of AESOP-SFP, chair of the WG Agroecological Urbanism at the RmxAe.

12 December 2024
4:30pm 5:30pm CET
Second Public Webinar of the UAEU Partnership on Food


Thursday 12
16:30 - 16:55
A city of gardeners: the integration of (urban)-agriculture in the planning of the new peri-urban area of Oosterwold, the Netherlands
16:55 - 17:15
The Spanish Network of Municipalities for Agroecology: cooperation and trans-local governance to address food policies and boost agroecological urbanism
17:15 - 17:30
Q&A Session