Jobs and Skills in the Local Economy Orientation Paper
Approved Orientation Paper of the Partnership on Jobs and Skills in the Local Economy, endorsed at the DG UM meeting held on 4 April 2017, with asummary document of the Priority themes.

The Partnership on Jobs and Skills in the local economy has been tasked to prepare and implement and Action Plan that is aiming to improve EU/national/local legislation, funding instruments and knowledge sharing with the aim to realise the full potential and contribution of urban areas towards the Union’s long term objectives of sustainable growth and social, economic and territorial cohesion. In the forthcoming 36 months an Action Plan will be prepared, adopted and implemented.
This orientation paper sets the background of this task, the specific challenges that will be addressed as well as the workings arrangements of the partnership, including meetings and (potential) deliverables. This Orientation Paper has been prepared by the three coordinators of the partnership, finalised in a cooperative spirit with all partners, presented and discussed among the member states of the European Union in the Urban Development Group meeting of 2 March 2017.