Call for Applications: Thematic Partnership Officer / Process Curator
The TPO will play a fundamental role in the day-to-day work of the allocated thematic partnership(s). There are currently four Thematic Partnerships:
- UAEU Thematic Partnership for Greening Cities
- UAEU Thematic Partnership for Sustainable Tourism
- UAEU Thematic Partnership for Food
- UAEU Thematic Partnership for Cities of Equality
The Permanent Secretariat is looking for someone with knowledge and experience in the field of the allocated Thematic Partnership(s) who can assist with a variation of administrative, organisational, and supporting tasks to enable an efficient functioning of the partnership(s).
Please refer to the Terms of Reference (available for download in the left-side column) for more details on the expected tasks, selection criteria, timeline and contractual details.
How to apply?
Candidates have to submit an application form through EUSurvey along with a CV and potentially an English language certificate (C1 expected).
The application deadline is 24th September 2023 at 23:59 (CET).
In case of questions, please contact: urbanagenda@urban-initiative.eu
Corrigendum of the Terms of Reference (23/08/2023)
Kindly be aware that a corrigendum has been implemented for the Terms of Reference on August 23, 2023. Specifically, the adjustment involves the removal of the first point ("The applicant is an EU citizen with residence in the EU.") within the Eligibility Evaluation paragraph of section 3.2 Selection Procedure on page 9.
Corrigendum of the Terms of Reference (25/09/2023)
A corrigendum has been implemented for the Terms of Reference on September 25, 2023. The corrigendum implies the change of the application deadline for the Thematic Partnership Officer position from Sunday September 24, to Wednesday September 27, 2023, 23:00 CET. See section 3.3 Indicative Timeline for the Call on page 10.