Cities of Equality Online Meeting
19 March 2024
Cities of Equality

Cities of Equality Partnership Launches Activities to Advance Urban Equality

The Cities of Equality Partnership, one of the latest Thematic Partnerships established as part of the Urban Agenda for the EU, officially commenced its operations with a series of online meetings in the first few months of 2024.  

At the heart of the Partnership's mission lies a commitment to tackling the multifaceted challenges surrounding equality within cities. Recognising that truly equitable cities are those that accommodate the diverse needs of all individuals and social groups, regardless of age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnic origin, or socio-economic status, the Partnership aims to foster environments where no one is left behind. 

The kick-off meeting, held on 31 January 2024, was an opportunity to introduce the work Partnership members are conducting on the topic of equality and to outline forthcoming steps, including the formulation of an Orientation Paper that will lay the foundations for the Partnership's efforts.  

Several members presented their work on the Just Transition, which includes the design and implementation policies to ensure that the ecological transition takes place in a fair way and leaves no one behind. Emphasising a holistic approach that combines targeted interventions benefiting protected groups with inclusive policies, Partnership members underscored the importance of intersectionality. This principle acknowledges the interconnected nature of various forms of discrimination and disadvantage, advocating for comprehensive strategies that address the unique challenges faced by different individuals and communities. 

To lay the foundations of the Orientation Paper, the first document that the Partnership will be producing, members brainstormed on the topics that most resonated with their work and priorities and responded to an online survey. They will continue working in the next few months to deliver the Orientation Paper by the first half of 2024. 

The UAEU Cities of Equality Partnership is coordinated by the Metropolitan City of Rome (Italy) and the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (France). Several European Commission Directorate-Generals will contribute to its work, including DG REGIO (Regional and Urban Policy), DG JUST (Justice and Consumers), DG ENER (Energy), DG EAC (Education and Culture), REFORM (Structural Reform Support), and the EU Joint Research Centre (JRC). The full list of members is available on the Partnership webpage

The Partnership will meet online every month and aims to convene for the first time in person in Rome in June 2024.