17 October 2024

Looking back at the European Week of Regions and Cities

Last week, the Urban Agenda for the EU participated in the European Week of Regions and Cities, the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy.
jonas stand


European Urban Initiative Stand.

Between the 8th and the 10th of October, the participants of the EU Week of Regions and Cities had a chance to learn about the mission of the Urban Agenda for the EU at the European Urban Initiative stand, displayed in the exhibition area of the Albert Borschette Conference Centre. Our enthusiastic team was happy to share the progress and activities of the Thematic Partnerships, explain how the website works and inform about the opportunities within the UAEU which cities, organisations, experts and practitioners can benefit from.


EURegions Talks: Greening Cities and Sustainable Tourism.

On Tuesday, the 8th of October, the Urban Agenda for the EU held two EURegionsTalks on the progress of the Greening Cities and Sustainable Tourism Thematic Partnerships. Both partnerships are currently finalising their Action Plans. The EURegionsTalks provided an excellent opportunity to inform government officials, experts, academics, and the broader public about the partnerships’ achievements. 

The Greening Cities Partnership was represented by one of its Action Leaders - Heather Brooks from EUROCITIES.

“The Urban Agenda Greening Cities partnership aims to help cities implement urban ecosystem targets.”

Heather Brooks, EUROCITIES


The presentation covered the progress on the six Actions and announced one of the partnership’s final outputs: the development of an Urban Ecosystem Restoration Handbook (incorporated in the new Action 6). In the final stage of the Action Plan’s implementation, the partners will be organising events and workshops. Be sure to check our News & Events page regularly to stay informed about opportunities with the Greening Cities partnership!

Gianluca Saba

The Sustainable Tourism Partnership was represented by one of its Coordinators - Gianluca Saba from the Municipality of Genoa. The presentation explained the directions and main topics the partnership is working on with the main focus on environmental, economic and socio-cultural dimensions. With four working groups established and fourteen partnership meetings held, the partnership has identified six Actions that focus on specific issues related to urban tourism.

“The Sustainable Tourism Partnership focuses on specific issues related to tourism in cities as a crucial component of a Sustainable Development of the Urban Economies.”

Gianluca Saba, Municipality of Genoa.


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