Security by Design: Protection of public spaces from terrorist attacks
The pioneering work of the former Partnership on Security in Public Spaces is bearing fruit. As a former member of the Partnership, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) has continued its research on this topic and has recently published the ‘Security by Design’ handbook.
This new publication can help in the transition towards beautiful and safe urban areas which do not constantly remind to the topic of security by protective measures in place.
In the article that was published with the handbook on the JRC website, Martin Larcher, one of the editors, describes the biggest challenge as follows:
“Our ambition is to contribute to make modern urban centres should reflect the openness and inclusiveness of European society without resembling fortified zones. EU security research is a strategic enabler for integrating innovative technologies and disseminating expertise and best practices so that protective measures fit harmoniously into the surrounding environment and are not disproportionate. The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre is playing an active role in adapting the security-by-design concept to the protection of public spaces and bringing together multidisciplinary communities of experts within the security field.
We need urban planners, architects, companies, researchers, and local authorities to be on board and help us spread the word. That is how we will speed up the transition. This is why we continue to engage with stakeholders, why we develop solutions and tools. At the same time, the Commission will keep on providing funding opportunities under our research programmes.”