20 June 2017
Urban Mobility

Urban Mobility Partnership at EIF breakfast meeting, Brussels

Eva Srnová, Regional, Urban and Cohesion Policy Attaché at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union, represented the Urban Mobility Partnership at a European Internet Forum (EIF) breakfast meeting dedicated to "the future of urban mobility" that took place on 31 May 2017 in Brussels.

In her contribution, which you can view here, Eva stressed the cross-cutting nature of the topic of urban mobility, being closely connected to other Partnerships like those dealing with air quality, digital transition, energy transition, and with the sustainable use of land.

Eva reflected on some of the preliminary findings of the Urban Mobility Partnership working groups, suggesting that policies needed to promote soft modes of transport like cycling and walking more efficiently.

She raised the need for better alignment of business- and regulator-driven platforms on urban mobility. Eva also pointed to ways how the EU could support strategic urban mobility planning, e.g. via cohesion policy instruments, and to the centrality of guidelines and indicators for active modes of transport.

Representatives of the European Parliament, business and associations delivered further contributions on the topic, underlining the relevance of the topic at the European level. The entire event is documented on the EIF's YouTube channel.