Urban Case Study #7: Facilitating sustainable circular consumption in cities – The Kringwinkel, Flanders
Image Housing Action Plan of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) - Initial Reaction from the Housing Partnership 1 document
Urban Case Study #6: Reducing the digital divide through face-to-face digital centres - Heslingborg, Sweden
Image Housing Material from the Webinar: The EU Affordable Housing Initiative: How can we bring it to the ground? 5 documents
Image Sustainable Land Use Addressing Finance And Capacity Barriers For Nature-based Solutions 1 document
Image Climate Adaptation Action 3: Final Report on “Recommendations to the ERDF Operational Programmes (OPs) to improve the accessibility of municipalities to these funds" is out 1 document
Urban Case Study #5: Better air quality planning – anti-smog activities in the Małopolska region, Poland