Image Applicant Seminar: Call for Thematic Partnerships Rewatch the applicant seminar of the Call for Thematic Partnership
Image The Call for Partners for the “Water Sensitive City” and “Building Decarbonisation” Thematic Partnerships is now open! Urban authorities, Regions, Member States, Partner States, EU and national city umbrella organisations, and other relevant stakeholders are invited to apply and join the new Thematic Partnerships under the Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU) on Water Sensitive City and Building Decarbonisation: Integrated Renovation Programmes and Local Heating and Cooling Plans. The two Partnerships will bring together different stakeholders from the public and private sectors, urban authorities, academia, non-governmental organisations, to define and implement innovative actions that address the urgent challenges of urban water management and building decarbonisation.
05 Sep 10:00am Applicant Seminar on the Call for Partners for Water Sensitive City and Building Decarbonisation: Integrated Renovation Programmes and Local Heating and Cooling Plans Online