About the partnership
This Partnership aimed to offer an encompassing and holistic vision of urban security, in all its diversity and complexity, based on an integrated approach and on local field experience. The Partnership wanted to ensure that the role of local and regional authorities in security would be better recognised at all levels and enshrined in the European Internal Security Strategy and other relevant European political initiatives or frameworks.
By clicking on the symbol , in the top left corner, you will be able to see the different layers of this map.
Member States
- Croatia (Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning)
- Czech Republic (Ministry of Transport)
Urban areas and Regions
- Madrid (ES, Coordinator)
- Nice (FR, Coordinator)
- Brussels-Capital Region (BE)
- Helsinki (FI)
- Lille Métropole (FR)
- Mechelen (BE)
- Regione Toscana (IT)
- Riga (LV)
- Toruń (PL)
- Unione della Romagna Faentina (IT)
European/ national city umbrella organisation
- European Forum for Urban Security (Efus, Coordinator)
- Eurocities
- URBACT (Observers)
Other stakeholders
- UN Habitat
European institutions
- European Commission (DG EMPL, DG HOME, DG REGIO, DG RTD, Joint Research Centre)
- European Investment Bank (EIB)
Concrete actions
Developing a Framework for a Self-Assessment tool dedicated to Urban Authorities
Recommendations on EU security strategy, multi-level, participatory and innovative governance and funding
Evaluate the application of AI inclusive technologies
Develop a capacity building training scheme about integrated sustainable urban security
Measure the impact of social cohesion and inclusion on security in public spaces of urban and peri-urban areas
View knowledge outputs on Portico
Portico is the European urban knowledge platform developed by the European Urban Initiative (EUI) in support of better urban policy and strategy design, implementation, and mainstreaming.
Updated on 3 years 3 months ago
Updated on 5 months 2 weeks ago
Updated on 3 years 4 months ago